




Teach you 4 tricks to distinguish formaldehyde foamed seafood!

Many friends like to eat seafood, but the shelf life of seafood is not very long, so there may be some rot during transportation, so some people say that this business uses formaldehyde to keep seafood fresh, is this true?

Under freezing conditions, seafood can be well preserved and stored. Then the core temperature after freezing reaches minus 18 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, microorganisms almost stop growing, and various enzymes of bacteria will not be active. Yes Bar? Then in this case, the quality change is very small, and generally does not cause deterioration problems. In this case, a lot of seafood can be stored for one year without any problem, so there is no need to add some preservatives. Or this formaldehyde insurance you worry about. So why do some people say that formaldehyde is used to express seafood? This is an individual merchant. First, use formalin syrup, which is what we call formaldehyde, to soak seafood before freezing. Why do you do this? After soaking in formalin, the color is brighter, the meat is smoother and more elastic. , sells well. For example, the shrimp soaked in formalin is plump and pink, right? Looks great, and some of this cuttlefish we're talking about, huh? A bubble is much more tender, white, and looks very comfortable.

In our normal life, this formaldehyde foamed seafood, how do we see its performance?

First, the soaked squid and shrimp are plump, bright and ruddy in color.

Second, this if. It was soaked in formalin, and it has a peculiar smell, which hides the very delicious taste of seafood.

The third is the foamed aquatic products, let's take an example, or after you get it, it will be very crispy when you pinch it, right? It's brittle, and that's a possible bubble.

Fourth, if you take it back and eat it, you will find it a little jerky when you eat it, the delicious taste of this seafood.

Finally, we conclude that when you go to regular supermarkets and shopping malls, generally you will not buy seafood soaked in formaldehyde, but everyone should learn the simple identification method I just introduced to you. Keep your eyes open when buying seafood.